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What Matters to Seniors Planning Retirement Soon

Health, wealth, and community are three of things that matter to seniors as they plan their retirement.  Understanding what matters most to seniors is critical for family caregivers and healthcare professionals supporting their daily needs.

Here are some important aging in place statistics that help understand the mindset of seniors from the United States.

what matters to seniors

Health Matters to Seniors

Health matters to seniors planning to age in place.  Without a good outlook on future wellbeing and health it is very hard to stay independent.

  • 60% of seniors expect their health to stay the same over the next five to ten years.  ]

This contrasts greatly with the fact that many seniors are facing health problems now.

Chronic conditions are a leading cause for seniors to need to seek out alternative living conditions.  The ability to care for daily living needs can be greatly impacted due to deteriorating health.  Home care aides can extend the time that an individual may have in their personal residence, however, the best means for long-term independence is taking a proactive stance with their health and well-being.  This includes getting regular medical checkups.  Focusing on eating well and getting proper exercise for their age.  Staying active is the best bet for long-term health for seniors.  Those who can continue to move and accomplish daily living on their own will have the highest chances of success for aging in place.

healthy senior couple aging together

Wealth Matters to Seniors

How much do you have saved for retirement?  Will you be able to keep up with your standard of living?  Are your loved ones prepared for the increasing costs of aging, especially if they need to seek out assisted living facility to reside in?

A large percentage of seniors plan to rely on social security as their primary source of retirement income and this is unlikely to pay for the care that they will really need to thrive.

41% of seniors who are not yet retired see social security as their primary source of retirement income.  While 47% of currently retired seniore have access to some sort of pension those are less and less available to future retiring seniors.  Understanding the true costs of aging in place or moving to an assisted living facility or even independent living facility are critical for making long-term plans for success.

affordable senior living

Community Matters to Seniors

Seniors are faced with the rising costs of housing just like everyone else.  71% of seniors feel that their current community is responsive to their needs they see lots of places where improvements would help.  23% of seniors said they wish their was more affordable housing options available.  26% want better access for transportation options and 23% said affordable health care services would help them thrive better and longer.  When selecting a community to move to it is important to look at the big picture not just the room and basic amenities.  While assisted living facilities may offer apartments for seniors the real benefits and differentiators between them boils down to the health care services, transportation, meals, and all the support for thriving with their daily activities of living.

senior man enjoying community

Seniors Outlook on Aging

Age continues to be a mindset and 28% of seniors agree.  Think young, stay moving, and seniors are able to live life to fullest with a positive outlook.

86% of seniors say they are confident about maintaining a high quality of life.  To do so it is important to follow several best practices for aging in place.  Following a simple aging in place checklist allows seniors and their loved ones to set up their living environment to ensure success.  However, one bad fall can reverse a lifetime of good decisions for an elderly individual.  Put a plan in place to secure the rooms around the home.  Bathroom safety for seniors is an easy place to start for family caregivers.  By making sure the house is safe and secure, seniors can maintain a positive outlook on aging in place in their own homes that they are comfortable in

happy senior citizen positive about life

Create a Plan to Age in Place

Seniors who create a plan for how they are going to age in place are much more successful than those who wing it. Therefore, basic aging-in-place plan evaluates their personal health history, financial security, and local community and amenities nearby.  Family caregivers supporting a loved one may need to do a lot of heavy lifting as an individual age, but the benefits of staying at home can be worth it for seniors with the right outlook on aging.

plan ahead to age in place