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Types of Carts for Elderly

There are many types of carts for elderly individuals so consider your needs.  Do you need just a regular grocery shopping cart to carry two bags of groceries?  Want a seat and assistance with walking?  Maybe it is time to consider an electric scooter with basket instead of a walker style.

Let’s take a look at the most common styles and some of the benefits of each.

Walking Carts

Walking carts for seniors serve two purposes.  First, they provide additional stability when out and about going on errands.  Second, they store belongings and things that get picked up from errands such as groceries at the store or medicine from the pharmacy.  A cart designed to assist with walking will have larger and more rugged wheels.  While including several of the senior grocery cart features a walking cart may also have a place to sit on the cart to take a rest.

Elderly individuals that have had a recent procedure like a knee or hip replacement may need a walker for short trips.  Consider a walking cart so it is possible to bring along essential items like a purse or other small items without trying to juggle them.  Purses, umbrellas, other items that  have never been in the way before all of a sudden are a burden to carry when using a walker.

Take a rest with your walking cart.  The best versions include a small seat and locking wheels.  Use this to take a break or enjoy a moment in the park while enjoying some fresh air and sunlight.

Grocery Carts for the Elderly

A grocery shopping cart for seniors makes quick trips to the market and from the car to the house a breeze.  Many seniors need assistance carrying their groceries home if they are making a short walk to the store.  However, the cart is also ideal for bringing goods into the house from the car.  Depending on how many bags you typically purchase from the store will dictate the right size cart for your needs.

Many shoppers will use their cart inside of the store to fill it up with items or place their shopping cart into the stores cart so they can place bags from the store directly into their cart.

Electric Carts for Seniors

An electric cart also known as a mobility scooter gives many home-bound seniors their independence back.  These carts allow those that can not walk more than short distances the opportunity to get out of the house, visit with friends and stay active in their own care.  A trip to the store or to a social event is now within reach.  There are many things to consider about a mobility scooter.

Think about the distance that you will want to travel.  How will you be paying for the scooter or will you evaluate a medicare scooter option?

Electric carts have a wide price range to consider.  The cheapest models are around $800 and higher-end models can reach $5,000 or more depending on the features needed.  Take the time to think about all the important features before purchasing.  Some come with extra safety features, comfort options, and maximum weight loads, and warranty options.

senior shopping cart

Key Features of Carts to Consider

The following are items to consider while you do further research looking into the right cart or scooter for yourself or your loved one.

Types of wheel

Large wheels work well over rougher ground.  Small hard wheels on shopping cart-style carts are designed for long use.

Weight Capacity

The maximum weight capacity of the cart dictates what types of items you can carry.  Walking carts that are designed as mobility aids will also have a max weight that needs to be observed for safe use of the cart.

Cart Volume Load

Along with the weight capacity of a scooter the total volume capacity is important to know.  Think about how much are you planning on carrying for an individual trip.


Carts can run as low as $30-$40 and go up to several hundred dollars for higher end models.  Mobility scooter carts are significantly higher.

Walking versus Electric

Most carts that a senior will consider first are typical walking carts.  Electric scooter carts are a specialized product for individuals that have mobility issues to a degree that the cost is warranted for the solution.

Includes a Seat

A seat is a nice feature for a walking cart that is being used as a mobility aid.  If you are only looking for a shopping cart than it is an unnecessary extra feature and cost as they will cost more.

Mobility Aid

Do you need a mobility aid component to your cart or will a standard shopping cart work.  Think about the future, while a shopping cart is what you need today if you have begun having mobility issues look at the differences with carts that give you additional stability while walking.