About Us
The Aging Canyon is committed to helping family caregivers and seniors with aging in place.
What is the Aging Canyon?
The Aging Canyon is the transition time in life between retirement and when an individual chooses to go to a senior living facility of any kind.
Why do we call it a canyon? There are countless scenarios that force a senior to move out of the comfort of home. Falls are the leading cause, followed by a lack of support for basic daily living. We are the bridge to help you avoid falling and a resource to find the products and services that seniors and family caregivers can rely on.
We are hear to help you learn how to build the personalized bridge you need to get over the canyons in your life. Avoid the common mistakes that lead many seniors to move too early into a senior living community or nursing home. These places serve a wonderful purpose for elderly individuals at the right time, we help you make that choice, rather than it being made for you.

Our Team
I am Carmen Perez and I have supported seniors for the past 15 years. I have worked in skilled nursing facilities as a CNA and currently assist multiple families with caring for their loved ones as a home health aide. I have built the Aging Canyon to share what I know is important in making every day better for seniors that choose to age in place within the home that they love.
Family caregivers need support as they assist their loved ones transition from being completly independent to needing support for their daily care routine. I am here as a resource to help seniors and their families find the right solutions to meet their needs to age gracefully.

“The Aging Canyon is a helping hand to seniors and family caregivers to make aging in place successful.”